电影网>明星资料馆>Amanda Mealing



The Girl with Brains in Her Feet

剧情: The film is set in 1972. Jacqueline is 13 years old and a talented athlete in a Leicester school preparing for an athletics meet in a months time. She wants to ...


"Jake's Progress"

剧情: 英国 1995-10-12  1995


Requiem Apache

剧情: Hamish, a former getaway car driver, has retired to the country to raise his baby son and look after the house while his wife goes out to work. Everything is go...


剧情: 查尔斯是一位婚礼上的常客。然而他对结婚却始终怀有疑惧。但在一次乡间婚礼上,美丽的美国姑娘凯莉却深深地打动了他的心。虽然从朋友口中查尔斯得知凯莉是个私生活颇不检点且专与有钱男人来往的女性,但他还是推却了朋友们的狂欢计划而前去寻找凯莉。两人共度了一个美好的夜晚。但第二天凯莉竟离他而去,只身回了美国,弄得查尔斯心神不...


Running Late

剧情: Big-headed London TV show-host George Grant goes about his daily business of hurrying and barking at people when an urgent telephone call from his wife sends hi...


The Grass Arena

剧情: The Grass Arena is the true story of John Healy. Raised in an ultra religious family, with an abusive father, young Johnny soon learns that he has to learn to d...


剧情: 英国 1991-06-06  1991advertisement Eileen Critchley: [provocatively, as a taunt] You *do* want to please me, don\'t you, Michael. [Eile...

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