电影网>明星资料馆>Michael Mears



Sharpe's Honour

剧情: 1813. Major Sharpe\'s old enemy, Major Duclos manipulates a beautiful young marquesa into falsely accusing Sharpe of rape. Her husband calls Sharpe out in a due...


剧情: 剧情简介: 本片背景设定在十八世纪英国企图歼灭苏格兰独立军时期的故事,剧中描绘身为苏格兰贵族的男孩大卫(布莱恩麦卡迪饰)在双亲过世后继承了优渥的家產,不料贪婪的叔叔艾伯尼沙却为夺取其家產,设计绑架大卫并将他卖到船上当奴隶。期间,大卫遇见了流亡的苏格兰反叛军艾伦布瑞克,并意外发现船长因覬覦艾伦钱财而动杀机,及时伸出援手...

Sharpe's Enemy

剧情: Portugal 1813. A band of deserters, including Sharpe\'s old enemy, Obadiah Hakeswill, have captured two women, one the wife of a high-ranking English officer, a...



剧情: 查尔斯是一位婚礼上的常客。然而他对结婚却始终怀有疑惧。但在一次乡间婚礼上,美丽的美国姑娘凯莉却深深地打动了他的心。虽然从朋友口中查尔斯得知凯莉是个私生活颇不检点且专与有钱男人来往的女性,但他还是推却了朋友们的狂欢计划而前去寻找凯莉。两人共度了一个美好的夜晚。但第二天凯莉竟离他而去,只身回了美国,弄得查尔斯心神不...


Sharpe's Eagle

剧情: Sharpe is a Captain saddled with the South Essex, a battalion run by incompetents and filled with soldiers who have never been in battle. When the South Essex l...

Sharpe's Rifles

剧情: Portugal 1809, the Peninsular War in the age of Napoleon. A British sergeant in the 95th Rifles saves the life of Arthur Wellesley, and finds himself promoted t...


As You Like It

剧情: 英国 1992-10-09  1992|法国 1998-04-08  1998


A Man Called Sarge

剧情: In the midst of WWII, a group of half-witted soldiers lead by a slightly smarter sergeant, battle the Germans and especially Von Kraut in the desert. Written ...


Queen of Hearts

剧情: Eddie Luca is the youngest son in a family of Italian immigrants who has moved to London. Beginning from nowhere, they open a cafe in an Italian neighbourhood. ...

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