电影网>明星资料馆>Valeria Milillo



Uomo d'acqua dolce

剧情: Antonio and Beatrice are a married couple and she\'s pregnant. One night she feels like eating artichokes under oil and he hurries to the supermarket to buy the...


剧情: 剧情简介阿拔图是都灵市一大学的经济学讲师。一天,午膳时他看见一蓝衣女子,自此便著了魔一般。看似是两个单身男女的邂逅追逐,其实是充满张力的猫捉老鼠游戏。原来他脑袋里一颗停留了十二年的弹头,就是当年从事恐怖活动的她所发射的。本片虽以恐怖主义为背景题材,魅力却在于男女主角追逐间的心理角力。仇恨就没有宽容。懊恼与体谅却又纠葛不...


Babylon: la paura è la migliore amica dell'uomo

剧情: During a trip to the USA Carla falls in love with Charles, an ex-punk rocker now working as a security guard. She returns to Torino, Italy, and breaks the bad n...


Fine è nota, La

剧情: A young lawyer returns home and discovers that a man has committed suicide jumping through a window of his house. His wife, Maria, says that she let the unknown...


Americano rosso

剧情: Italy 1935: Vittorio works in a matrimonial agency, and although the agency is closed for summer vacations, he tries to find an Italian wife for an American man...


Tracce di vita amorosa

剧情: 意大利 1990-09-13  1990


Gioko, Il

剧情: Diana inizia a insegnare in una scuola prestigiosa, dopo aver subito un trauma anni prima. Ben presto per accadono piccoli fatti inquietanti e scopre che l\'ins...


A cena col vampiro

剧情: The story begins when a camera crew unearths a thousand year old vampire from Mesopotamia. Years after his rise from the grave, the vampire becomes a famous hor...


Commissario Lo Gatto, Il

剧情: Police commissioner Lo Gatto is in charge of the local Italian police station within Vatican State. During an investigation, following the murder of a Vatican p...

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