电影网>明星资料馆>James Millican



A Lion Is in the Streets

剧情: Colorful bayou peddler Hank Martin marries pretty teacher Verity, who finds that the rural poor all love Hank. Gradually, she realizes that Hank\'s popularity i...



剧情: 贾利·古伯扮演的执法官已年近退休,而且刚娶了年轻美貌的妻子(刚出道的格蕾丝·凯莉扮演),但他为人太正,执法太严,不讨人喜欢。婚礼的那一天,被他送进监狱的一名恶棍出狱,并扬言要报仇。全镇上没有人愿意助执法官一臂之力,只有新婚妻子陪伴身旁。正午时分,一场枪战不可避免地爆发了。On the day he gets m...

Carson City

剧情: 美国 1952-06-13  1952|芬兰 1953-01-09  1953|西德 1953-03-02  1953|瑞典 1953-06-19  1953|奥地利 1962-07-07&...

Scandal Sheet

剧情: The editor of a tabloid newspaper that specializes in sensationalistic sex and murder stories assigns a young reporter to discover the identity of the murderer ...

Bugles in the Afternoon

剧情: 美国 1952-03-04  1952|芬兰 1952-11-21  1952|瑞典 1953-04-07  1953|丹麦 1953-04-22  1953|日本 1953-05-13&n...

Springfield Rifle

剧情: Major Lex Kearney, dishonorably discharged from the army for cowardice in battle, has actually volunteered to go undercover to try to prevent raids against ship...

Battle Zone

剧情: 美国 1952-10-26  1952|芬兰 1954-04-02  1954|西德 1957-06-21  1957|奥地利 1960-05-15  1960

Diplomatic Courier

剧情: Department of State courier Mike Kelly ends up in postwar hotbed Trieste after failing to collect a package from a colleague. The Military Police are happy for ...

The Winning Team

剧情: Based on a true story, Ronald Reagan stars as Grover Cleveland Alexander, a former worker for the telephone company whose hobby is pitching baseball. Recruited ...

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