电影网>明星资料馆>Mo'Nique Imes-Jackson



Pryor Offenses

剧情: Richard Pryor: Dry the pussy off when you\'re through!

TV in Black: The First Fifty Years

剧情: In this extraordinary show the uniquely Black perspective inside the History of Television is explored and celebrated. From Comedy to Politics to Drama, the rol...


剧情: 剧情简介纳什·韦德最近喝水塞牙放屁砸脚,不顺到了极至,坐飞机公出时受尽了耻辱与惊吓,他一怒之下将航空公司告上了法庭。判决结果呢?真是应了阿迪达斯为奥运年准备的那句新广告语::“Impossibleisnothing(没什么是不可能的)”,他居然获赔了1亿美金,乐得梦里都张着嘴。暴富后的韦德迅速滋生了一个梦想:他要开辟史...


剧情: 皮·切尔斯是巴尔的摩的一个小发型师,而她的姐姐安吉拉在比佛利山拥有一座沙龙,但是他们的关系一直不合。安吉拉想借一个聚会和妹妹重修旧好,谁知道皮切尔斯把这一切搞得更糟。原来她不得不在几天之内归还美国国税局一笔高达五万美元的债务。不过在经历种种波折之后,两姐妹团结一心,不仅在一年一度的发型秀上击败了沙龙的死对头马塞...


"Intimate Portrait" Isabel Sanford

剧情: Actress Isabel Sanford raised an entire generation of television viewers in her role as "Louise", in the hit 1970s comedy "The Jeffersons". Born...

"Last Comic Standing"

剧情: 冰岛 2004-06-04  2004Ralphie May: Man, I\'ve got forty pounds of underwear! Cory: I think the cowboy would be more comfortable if he had the co...

Good Fences

剧情: Good Fences is about an upwardly mobile black family for whom the American dream becomes a nightmare. Set in the 1970s, Danny Glover is an attorney who is deter...

"The Sharon Osbourne Show"

剧情: 英国 2004-01-12  2004|美国 2003-09-15  2003

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