电影网>明星资料馆>Guillermo Montesinos



Tu novia está loca

剧情: 西班牙 1988-01-21  1988 (Barcelona)|西班牙 1988-01-25  1988 (Madrid)


剧情: 女演员佩帕最近经历了感情失败,情人伊万在和她同居几个月后离她而去。佩帕认定伊万是准备与妻子出国旅游,万分伤心过后,她决定将住所出售离开是非之地,没想到烦心事接踵而来:好友坎德拉因涉嫌恐怖活动前来避难,伊万的儿子携未婚妻来看房,伊万的妻子露西娅也找上门来……       本片是阿莫多瓦本人最为满意的一部影片,女性题材...


Vida alegre, La

剧情: 西班牙 1987-04-14  1987|美国 1987-04-14  1987


Luces de bohemia

剧情: In the empty house of his family, Ramon, a poet, remembers the last day of the life of his master: the last time he went out with his friend don Latino de Hispa...

Vaquilla, La

剧情: 西班牙 1985-03-06  1985Brigada Castro: La clave de todo es este chico, Mariano se llama. Teniente Broseta: Mucho pelo, eh, mucho pelo. Brigada...

Sé infiel y no mires con quién

剧情: Pablo and Fernando, owners of a children\'s book publishing company about to go bankrupt, have managed through unorthodox means to contract the country\'s best-...

Corte de Faraón, La

剧情: In the early Spanish Civil Post-war, in Madrid, during the most hard times of the Franco dictatorship, a group of second-rate players try to get out of their wr...


Fuga de Segovia, La

剧情: 西班牙 1981-11-07  1981|美国 1984-06-06  1984

Pico II, El

剧情: 西班牙 1984-11-09  1984

Crimen de Cuenca, El

剧情: 美国 1984-03-21  1984|西班牙 1983-11-17  1983|西德 1981-08-17  1981

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