电影网>明星资料馆>Ralph Montgomery



Wicked Woman

剧情: 美国 1953-12-09  1953|瑞典 1954-06-28  1954|芬兰 1954-09-17  1954|西德 1955-12-02  1955|奥地利 1956-06-18&...

The Farmer Takes a Wife

剧情: 美国 1953-06-12  1953

Off Limits

剧情: 芬兰 1954-06-23  1954|瑞典 1953-12-04  1953|西德 1953-08-21  1953|奥地利 1953-08-14  1953|美国 1953-02-19&...


剧情: 火星人因火星气候突变无法生存而计划大举入侵地球,当第一艘飞船落到地球上时,居民们以为是陨石。博士克来法斯特(吉恩·巴里饰)通过探测仪器得知有放射性,需等冷却才能查看,但有人好奇前去观看,不料被杀死。人类的所有武器都不能对付火星人的死光炮,全世界的人都在逃命,整个地球乱作一团。正在这时,火星人却一个接一个的地死去...


Bonzo Goes to College

剧情: In this fantasy-toned sequel, former lab chimp Bonzo, now literate (!), runs away from a carnival sideshow and hops a banana truck. He lands in college town Paw...

Here Come the Nelsons

剧情: 美国 1952-02-23  1952

This Woman Is Dangerous

剧情: 美国 1952-02-28  1952

The Girl in White

剧情: 美国 1952-05-30  1952|瑞典 1953-01-26  1953|西德 1953-03-03  1953|奥地利 1953-11-16  1953|丹麦 1954-01-22&...

It Grows on Trees

剧情: The Baxters are a typical happy American family trying to live on too little money. Mrs. Polly Baxter acquires two mysterious trees that got into a nursery ship...


剧情: Jordan Blake (a widower) is a successful Broadway Producer who has always been to busy for his children, Barbara and Jerry. Girlfriend, Carolina a musical comed...

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