电影网>明星资料馆>Bert Moorhouse



Good Sam

剧情: 英文简短剧情:   中文剧情:   丹麦 1951-07-09  1951|奥地利 1950-06-26  1950|芬兰 1949-12-02  1949|法国 1949-11-16  1949|日...


剧情: A congressional committee visits occupied Berlin to investigate G.I. morals. Congresswoman Phoebe Frost, appalled at widespread evidence of human frailty, hears...

Living in a Big Way

剧情: 美国 1947-06-10  1947 (Los Angeles, California) (premiere)|美国 1947-10-09  1947 (New York City, New York)|瑞典 1948-11-01 &nb...


剧情:     格兰特被政治家克诺维和霍恩戴克小姐一伙定为下一任美国总统候选人,政客们为了各自的利益,幕后操众总统竞选,为格兰特拉选票,为了让格兰特顺利入主白宫,政治家们请格兰特的妻子玛丽陪同丈夫一起参加竞选,他们在全美巡回演讲受到人民的喜爱,但却不合政治家们的心意.克诺维和霍恩戴克小姐赶到底特律,告诉他一个事实,总统不是人民...

Up in Central Park

剧情: 美国 1948-05-26  1948|芬兰 1949-09-30  1949


剧情: Frankie Madison returns to New York after 14 years in prison. Noll Turner, Frankie\'s former partner in bootlegging, is now a wealthy nightclub manager, and Fra...



剧情: Funloving Pearl White, working in a garment sweatshop, gets her big chance when she "opens" for a delayed Shakespeare play...with a comic vaudeville per...

Magic Town

剧情: Rip Smith\'s opinion-poll business is a failure...until he discovers that the small town of Grandview is statistically identical to the entire country. He and h...

That's My Man

剧情: 美国 1947-06-01  1947|瑞典 1948-04-24  1948|芬兰 1948-07-30  1948|丹麦 1951-07-20  1951


剧情: In 1763, felon Abby Hale is sentenced to slavery in America. In Virginia, heroic Capt. Holden buys her, intending to free her, but villain Garth foils this plan...

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