电影网>明星资料馆>Jack Mower



Sally and Saint Anne

剧情: 美国 1953-05-15  1953

Has Anybody Seen My Gal

剧情: 美国 1952-06-25  1952 (Los Angeles, California)|美国 1952-07-04  1952 (New York City, New York)|芬兰 1953-05-08  1953 (TV...

The Stranger Wore a Gun

剧情: Having been a spy for Quantrill\'s raiders during the Civil War, Jeff Travis thinking himself a wanted man, flees to Prescott Arizona where he runs into Jules M...


剧情: 杰罗德·亨利教授(文森特·普莱斯 Vincent Price饰)是一名醉心艺术的雕刻艺术家,他的每件蜡像雕塑都栩栩如生。他一直潜心钻研历史上的著名人物形象,尤其钟爱法王路易十六的王后玛丽·安托瓦内特。然而他的生意合作伙伴马修·伯克(罗伊·罗伯茨 Roy Roberts饰)却因为杰罗德经营蜡像院收益不佳而大为不满...

The Man from the Alamo

剧情: During the war for Texas independence, one man leaves the Alamo before the end (chosen by lot to help others\' families) but is too late to accomplish his missi...


Bonzo Goes to College

剧情: In this fantasy-toned sequel, former lab chimp Bonzo, now literate (!), runs away from a carnival sideshow and hops a banana truck. He lands in college town Paw...

Springfield Rifle

剧情: Major Lex Kearney, dishonorably discharged from the army for cowardice in battle, has actually volunteered to go undercover to try to prevent raids against ship...

The Story of Will Rogers

剧情: 美国 1952-07-17  1952

Francis Goes to West Point

剧情: 美国 1952-11-29  1952|瑞典 1953-01-30  1953

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