



剧情: 匈牙利 2003-09-15  2003|澳大利亚 2002-12-06  2002|美国 2000-08-15  2000Alison Jeffers: There\'re two kinds of men on Wall St...


剧情:   HBO出品的电视电影,分三个单元,通过发生在一幢房子三个时期不同住户身上的故事,反映美国les运动情况和处境的变迁。   1961:Edith(Vanessa Redgrave)和Abby(Marian Seldes)很恩爱地过了一生,双双垂老,Abby在一次意外中摔伤,Edith在医院里守候整夜,还是不能见她最...


Friends & Lovers

剧情: Friends for ten years, a group of twenty-somethings head for the ski slopes as guests of Ian\'s father. (Ian and dad are estranged because dad worked too many h...


剧情: Dr. Sydney Hansen, a successful plastic surgeon in Hollywood, California, quits her private practice and returns to her hometown in Providence, Rhode Island aft...

The Simple Life of Noah Dearborn

剧情: Sitting on 35 acres of Georgia land coveted by a shopping mall developer, 90+years-old Noah Dearborn is untainted by modern life. He\'s never heard of the Beatl...


Twice Upon a Time

剧情: A woman (Molly Ringwald), unhappy with her life, makes a wish for a different life which whisks her to a parallel world where her life is different and she fall...


剧情: 剧情简介《从地球到月球》是根据历史真人真事改编的作品,它借用了著名科幻小说家、法国人儒勒·凡尔纳的纪实小说《amanonthemoon站在月球上的人》的内容和素材改编而成。它全景式地描写和反映了围绕二十世纪人类最重要的科学活动――“登陆月球\"所发生的种种事件,再现了这个人类历史上最伟大的探险壮举中的无数感人片断。为了...



剧情: 已经步入老年的奥萝拉虽然很富有,但却过着在她看来糟糕的生活――她的女儿在年轻的时候便因意外去世,留下了三个孩子。奥萝拉和跟了自己几十年的女佣罗西一起将这三个孩子抚养成人,但如今孩子们却和外婆的关系十分紧张。 汤米多次因触犯法律被判入狱,他将这一切归咎于外婆的教育方式。尽管奥萝拉每隔一段时间就到监狱去看望汤...

Far Harbor

剧情: 美国 1996-11-22  1996

Theodore Rex

剧情: In a future town a female police detective (Whoopi Goldberg) has to colaborate with Theodore Rex, a genetically generated Tyrannosaurus Rex, in order to investi...

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