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Teenage Exorcist

剧情: Diane, a repressed, neurotic grad student, moves into a cursed mansion and is possessed by the house\'s demonic master.Transformed into a raven-haired, leather ...

Hitler, Schindler and the Holocaust

剧情: 美国 1994-11-23  1994

Flesh and Blood: The Hammer Heritage of Horror

剧情: 英国 1994-08-06  1994|澳大利亚 2003-11-03  2003

Ed Wood: Look Back in Angora

剧情: A thorough biography of Ed Wood, as told by his wife Kathy, ex-girlfriend Dolores Fuller, right hand man Conrad Brooks, among others. Clears up many false-truth...


Hollywood Dinosaurs

剧情: Narrator: [talking about "Valley of Gwangi"] Warner Brothers released the film in 1968 - a year in which many other movies featured nudity and sex. "Gwangi" did...

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