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剧情: 加利弗尼亚的切斯特山城。在前后达一周的时间里,连续有人在自家的壁橱里被奇怪地杀害,但调查一直没有结果。     半个多月后,旧金山《环球日报》的主编把追踪这个案件进展的任务交给了一个正想积极表现自己的年轻记者理查德。在切斯特山城警察局,他遇到了大学教授本尼特夫人,根据她对现场遗留物的检验,她提出杀手...


American Geisha

剧情: 美国 1986-09-11  1986

Who Is Julia?

剧情: Two young womens lives are changed forever in one moment. A strikingly beautiful and wealthy woman is hit by a truck and is all smashed up and nearly killed. At...

News at Eleven

剧情: Frank Kenley faces a number of moral dilemmas when dealing with the latest scandal: a teacher accused of sexually assaulting a student. While trying to keep the...


剧情: 绰号眼镜蛇的干探哥比提经常独行独断,一手持轻机枪,一手持点45,以自己的戒律对付无法无天的贼匪。这次哥比提正在追捕一个凶残的连环杀手,又要保证一个被下令灭口的女证人,令他疲于奔命。City cop is on the trail of a serial killer. Loaded with action an...


剧情: Hard rock idol Sammi Curr (Tony Fields) burns to death in a hotel fire. His biggest fan, Lakeridge High School student and resident metal head Eddie Weinbauer (...



剧情: A man who has been dead and cryogenically preserved for ten years is miraculously revived, but with chillingly unexpected results. Written by Jeff Hole美国 ...

迷离时空 第一季

剧情: 美国 1985-09-27  1985|法国 1986-02-24  1986|瑞典 1986-07-11  1986|1987-07-31  1987


Fatal Vision

剧情: Captain Jeff MacDonald, a renowned and an ambitious surgeon at Fort Bragg army base, appears to be a happily married father of two. When the MP enter MacDonald\...

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