电影网>明星资料馆>Kimberly Norris



Barn Red

剧情: 美国 2006-04-05  2006

Frozen Stupid

剧情: It\'s a Saturday, on a snowy midwestern winter landscape, and Tony Norgard (Joey Albright; Escanaba in da Moonlight, Barn Red) really wants to go ice fishing. B...



剧情: 数个世纪以来每年举办的“火的海洋”(Ocean of Fire)是一项极其艰苦的耐力赛马竞技。美国人弗兰克·霍普金斯(维果·莫天森饰)曾经是美国骑兵部队一名骁勇善战骑术高绝的骑士。他国际知名人士的声望除了凭借自身不懈努力以外,得力坐骑“海德尔格”(Hidalgo)的鼎立辅助同样是功不可没。1890年,弗兰克首次...


American Indian Graffiti: This Thing Life

剧情: AMERICAN INDIAN GRAFFITI: THIS THING, LIFE is an ensemble drama about four Native Americans whose lives intertwine with one another, taking place over one summe...


剧情:        影片利用老人同孩子对话的形式讲述了很多的印第安神话。另外,影片的特技也值得一看。   祖父相信传统,孙子相信现在。一位百岁老人和他的17岁的孙子,为求自我发现而做了一次周游全国的旅行。本片向你展示了美国原住民的各种充满传奇色彩的故事和各...


Folly Island

剧情: Folly Island tells a tale of romantic musical chairs which occurs amongst feuding sisters and a group of friends on a weekend trip to the beach. It features gol...

Escanaba in da Moonlight

剧情: 美国 2001-01-26  2001Remnar Soady: I couldn\'t help myself, eh? The girl\'s got the tongue of a trout. Albert Soady: Your mother had the tongue ...


The Lost Child

剧情: A story about Rebecca, a woman who goes in search of her natural parents and in the process finds her long lost family and her rich cultural heritage. Her adopt...


Naturally Native

剧情: Three Native American sisters (Red-Horse, Bedard, Guerrero) decide to try to sell a line of cosmetics they call Naturally Native, based on old tribal remedies, ...

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