电影网>明星资料馆>Jay Novello



The Mad Magician

剧情: Don Gallico is a master at designing magical illusions which are sold by his employer, Mr. Ormond, to famous magicians such as Rinaldi. He is also a master of d...


The Diamond Queen

剧情: 美国 1953-12-02  1953|芬兰 1954-04-02  1954|西德 1954-09-03  1954|瑞典 1954-11-08  1954|奥地利 1955-01-10&...


剧情: 罗马帝国时期,马赛勒护民官任职期间正面临基督耶稣被罗马当局指为妖言惑众,并被捕定罪,由马赛勒监督执行将耶稣钉于十字架上。老皇帝调马赛勒回罗马并指挥派他捉拿耶稣的门徒及烧毁圣袍,然而心存恐惧的马赛勒在追寻中遇见的耶稣门徒——彼得,从跛脚女子亦能将快乐传给人到遇见贫穷的小孩好不容易得到赏赐却毫不吝惜给比他需要的人。...


剧情: 剧情简介本片以两支船队在佛罗里达西部海岸竞争为背景,讲述了发生在两个敌对家庭中长大的年青人之间,一出罗密欧与茱莉叶式的爱情故事,作为好莱坞第一部水下拍摄的电影,本片荣获了奥斯卡最佳摄影提名,影片中展现的维京群岛迷人的热带风情,绝美的海洋景色和深海章鱼大战的情景,更是令人难忘。


Captain Pirate

剧情: 瑞典 1952-08-18  1952|美国 1952-08-27  1952|日本 1952-11-20  1952|芬兰 1952-12-19  1952|西德 1953-08-28&n...

Smuggler's Island

剧情: 美国 1951-05-18  1951 (Los Angeles, California)|美国 1951-05-23  1951 (New York City, New York)|瑞典 1952-01-19  1952|法国 ...

The Iron Mistress

剧情: Barely historical presentation of the life of Jim Bowie. Here he goes to New Orleans to sell lumber but falls in love with Judalon. To match his rivals he must ...


剧情: Jim Deakins is a frontiersman and Indian trader who is making a perilous journey with a group of other men up the Missouri River to get a large haul of furs fro...

Cattle Town

剧情: 美国 1952-09-06  1952|芬兰 1954-05-28  1954

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