电影网>明星资料馆>Tom Nowicki



The Lay of the Land

剧情: Harvey Dankworth is having an affair on the side, and the problems in his family life with wife Mary Jane arise. But she is also not interested in sex with him....

First Time Felon

剧情: Inspired by the true story of Greg Yance. In the film, Yance (Epps) is a hood who goes to jail for possession of drugs. He is given a choice: 5 years in jail or...


剧情: A boy falls in love with a horse named Flash that\'s for sale. He gets a job to earn the money to buy the horse, but he\'s forced to sell when the family falls ...


剧情: 美丽年轻的凯伦在结婚典礼前一周,发生一件震惊恐怖的事,捣乱了他原本平静的生活。有一位自称是她丈夫的男人闯入她的生活,这名男子并且告诉她,她有一个九岁大的女儿。于是凯伦开始怀疑自己可能患有失忆症,开始着手从身边事物寻找蛛丝马迹。但在探索自己的过去时,她发现自己对过去的记忆朦胧不清。更可怕的是,她的过去竟牵扯上两件谋杀惨案...


Summer of Fear

剧情: When Lucas Marshall and his family are attacked en route to their summer vacation, a passing drifter comes to their rescue. But soon after being welcomed into t...

Heroine of Hell

剧情: 美国 1996-03-01  1996

"The Cape" Pilot

剧情: \'The Cape\' explores the daily lives of current-day NASA astronauts, astronauts in training (ASCANs) and support personnel. In the pilot, the Russians have los...


剧情: 休斯顿一直是美国德州及全国数一数二的毒品走私集散地,这里一直有个白人控制着这个非业,一日他们派人潜入警局的证物室偷走了大批的海洛因,并想卖给警局派来卧底的特纳警官,而肯恩警探则是派在外面伏支援,无奈特纳的身份暴露,因而死在乱枪之下,而肯恩也遭警长责罚,FBI于是介入这一案件,同时在休士顿市内也发生一连串的谋杀案...。...

A Season in Purgatory

剧情: 葡萄牙 1998-08-23  1998|美国 1996-05-05  1996

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