电影网>明星资料馆>Douglas O'Keeffe



Johnny Shortwave

剧情: 美国 1996-07-24  1996

The Haunting of Lisa

剧情: A young and innocent girl named Lisa receives mysterious visions about the murder of a young child. When the visions become increasingly more intense, Lisa\'s p...


剧情: 剧情简介二○一五年的洛杉矶,加州政府机构腐化无能,警务部门与阴谋野心科学家们勾结成立「生命集团」,研发长生不老秘密。无辜的安德烈弗勒遭到陷害,以谋杀年轻女子乔丝柯维斯的罪名遭判死刑。在死囚与医药科技的恐怖里,安德烈的大脑被移植到已脑死的乔丝体内。造成女性肉身外表、男性思想的体力;命名新生命体为「赛茉丝」。由于「赛茉」产...


剧情: After his grandmother\'s death, 24-year-old Mike Hillary sets off in search of who he thinks is his real father. Little does he suspect the real scenario: his l...


剧情: 剧情简介这部电视电影,透过一个逃亡故事来表现动人的母女亲情。剧情开始一宗性骚扰疑云,茱蒂相信前夫马克斯对他们的女儿莎曼珊行为不轨,但无法提出证据,法院乃判决夫妻两人拥有女儿的共同监护权。茱蒂决定违背法令带走莎曼珊,在反虐待儿童之友会的协助下改名换姓在各州之间逃亡。马克斯聘私家侦探追查两母女的下落,都被她们有惊无险地逃过...

Getting Away with Murder

剧情: When the very moralistic college ethics instructor (Aykroyd) finds himself living next door to an accused German death camp commander (Lemmon), he takes it upon...


剧情: 剧情简介史帝夫唐纳修从事警务工作18年,一直是个尽忠职守的好警察。某日,布鲁克林区的两名警员遭枪杀,史帝夫怀疑是其中一名死者的前夫艾迪里欧所为,于是亲自登门拜访他,不料艾迪想畏罪潜逃,甚至突击史帝夫,两人在缠斗之中,史帝夫开枪误杀了艾迪的妻子与弟弟,也因此而被停职处分,此事件引起民众群情激愤,甚至走上街头抗议,要求释放...


Between Love and Honor

剧情: Steve Collura is an undercover cop out to infiltrate Carlo Gambino\'s mob. He soon falls in love with Gambino\'s daughter Maria and must make a choice between h...

Street Law

剧情: A martial arts-trained lawyer (Jeff Wincott) is forced to fight in illicit matches after he is framed for a crime, is dismissed from his firm, and all his asset...

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