电影网>明星资料馆>Peter Oldring



Hollywood Wives: The New Generation

剧情: 瑞典 2007-01-13  2007|法国 2004-06-25  2004|澳大利亚 2004-02-03  2004|美国 2003-10-19  2003

Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Kids

剧情: When Holley and Miss Spider met, it was love at first sight. They get married and then have a big party will all the bugs in Sunny Patch. Spiderus watches and e...



剧情: 本片改编自一个真实的故事,叙述了亚里克西·沃斯特赖克奥(Alexei Vostrikov,哈里森·福特饰)船长,在冷战最为紧张的时刻接到命令接替原船长米克黑尔·波伦尼(Mikhail Polenin,利亚姆·尼森饰),出任核动力导弹潜艇K-19的指挥官。沃斯特赖克奥的任务是不惜一切代价,尽快将这艘维护不当的潜艇...



剧情: 寂寞女孩玛莉自从母亲去世后,就被父亲送去寄宿学校寄读。玛莉被编与充满活力的宝莉及美丽动人的维多利亚作室友。开朗的二人让原本暗沉的玛莉放开怀抱,三人成为好朋友。后来玛莉发现杜莉与宝莉是恋人,某天杜莉的妹妹撞见她们相拥在床上,谣言很快便传起来。杜莉害怕别人异样眼光逐渐疏离宝莉,转投积(杜莉哥哥的朋友)的怀抱。宝莉不想放弃,...

"The Endless Grind"

剧情: 加拿大 2001-11-07  2001


剧情: There are four childhood friends that, while they might be seperated by different colleges, have a strong friendship they vow to maintain. However, Nitz, the mo...

"Screech Owls"

剧情: The Screech Owls are one of the great contenders of the Lapine Cup. They play hockey as amazing as they solve mysteries that are occurring in the town of Tamara...


剧情: Growing up is never easy, and no one is learning that faster than 13-year-old Sharon Spitz, voiced by actress Alicia Silverstone. As Sharon faces the challenges...

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