电影网>明星资料馆>Richard K. Olsen



Death in Small Doses

剧情: One night Nancy Lyon awakes in pain and dies shortly after - poisoned with arsenic. Her family immediately suspects her husband Richard, who left her temporaril...

The Face on the Milk Carton

剧情: A girl happens to look down at a milk carton one day and she sees herself on the back! Her life gets more stressful as she tries to hide the secret from her par...



剧情: A biology teacher and his wife take their two children to an island summer house to enable him to write an important thesis while getting over the death of thei...


剧情: This tv movie features two stories by Rod Serling, who also wrote the stories of the original "The Twilight Zone" (1959) series. "The Theater": ...


剧情: 这是一部以时下流行的瘦身美容风气为讽刺物件的另类喜剧,是导演艾伦.帕克的新尝试。故事背景设定在二十世纪初,以发明健康玉米片闻名全球的凯洛博士经营了一家令信徒们为之疯狂的健身疗养院,他在院中提倡禁欲、素食、瘦肠等特别的健身法,又用军事化的管理带领大家唱歌做体操,使一对慕名前来的年轻夫妻大开眼界,分别经历了一段匪夷...


剧情: 本片故事背景设在电台的黄金年代,在芝加哥的WBN电台,除了精彩的直播话剧、趣剧及管弦乐队演奏外,幕后接二连三的凶案更为观众带来震惊的高潮:究竟凶手是谁,其犯罪目的为何?In 1939, WBN, a 4th netwok is about to take to America\'s airwaves. As if th...



剧情: Two couples, friends for a long time, decide to go away together. Things soon take a turn for the worse when Linda and Jeff spend far to much time together inst...

The Portrait

剧情: After a long absence, artist Margaret Church (Cecilia Peck, real life daughter of Gregory Peck) returns to her aging parent\'s home to finish a portrait of them...



剧情: 美国 1992-05-03  1992

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