电影网>明星资料馆>Richard K. Olsen



Alan & Naomi

剧情: Set in the forties. A young Jewish boy is called on by his parents to help a young girl come out of her shell, imposed after she watched her father die at the h...



剧情: 故事描述意裔美国人弗兰克一生福星高照,但这些好运却时常以奇怪的方式显示,例如他把车子扔掉以便领取保险金,但车子却总是三番两次在最不可能的地方被人找到。又如住他家附近的人都不知道到底是福是祸实在很难说。如今,弗兰克成为纽约州乐透彩卷第一次开奖的入围者之一,他会继续有好运中大奖吗?影片改用倒叙手法回顾主人翁的一生,...


剧情: Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson (at the time married to each other) play Lily and Ben Reed, a young couple torn apart by a family tragedy. It would take a mira...


剧情: Academy Award® winner Helen Hunt (As Good As It Gets, Twister) stars in a sexy, sordid, haunting story that echoes the powerful impact of To Die For and The Pos...

She Says She's Innocent

剧情: Three teenage girlfriends get into a fight. Accidentally one of them gets killed. The two remaining girls promise each other to keep silent. As the police get m...

"Golden Years"

剧情: Explosion in the most secret laboratory of the USA. The old guard Harlan Williams is incubated by totally unknown chemicals. Now he changes and becomes younger ...


剧情: 版本一 1930年代,经济大萧条时代美国一个民风淳朴的小镇上的Hilyer望族这天迎来了一个美丽的家庭保姆Rose(劳拉·邓恩 Laura Dern 饰),青春又对性有着强烈渴望的Rose对男主人发动了性的进攻,这一切都逃不过Hilyer一对子女的眼睛,Buddy(卢卡斯·哈斯 Lukas Haas 饰)和D...


剧情: 美国 1991-12-03  1991Jack Perkins: I hear Alice lives in the shed? Ada Guthrie: What of it? She\'s a damn sight safer out there where she hardly sees...


The Lost Capone

剧情: 美国 1990-09-10  1990


Mother's Day

剧情: 美国 1989-05-13  1989

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