电影网>明星资料馆>Richard K. Olsen




剧情: 本片根据真人实事改编,在编剧的生花妙笔下,原本就已疑云重重的悬案更添几分惊悚。海军上尉达妮在和行同陌路的老公鲍勃会面后,却无端失踪,联邦探员琼安因此受命调查。由于最大的嫌疑犯就是鲍勃,于是琼安将一切查案重心放在鲍勃身上。但是屈指可数的线索,以及缺乏目击证人,再加上始终没被找到的尸体,令她更难以结案。到底鲍勃是完美的杀手...


A Different Kind of Christmas

剧情: When you\'re the city attorney you don\'t need the kinds of problems that her father was giving her. After her mother died, her father began doing his \"Santa S...

Sophie & the Moonhanger

剧情: A woman pits herself against her husband and his Ku Klux Klan member friends when she learns that they are planning an attack against her black maid and her hus...

A Mother's Instinct

剧情: Divorcee, Holly Mitchell, remarries widower, Carl Gibbons, the father of two small boys. When she begins to question his past, he disappears with the boys. She ...

Trade Off

剧情: Tom and Karen are unhappy, planning to divorce after they sell their house. At work, a ruthless colleague is pushing Tom aside. At a bar, Jackie enchants him, a...

A Step Toward Tomorrow

剧情: 英国 1999-10-27  1999|美国 1996-11-10  1996

All She Ever Wanted

剧情: The Stockmans are the perfect couple...young, successful, and deeply in love...but they have one problem: They want children. Since Rachel suffers from severe b...


The Sister-in-Law

剧情: 美国 1995-07-12  1995|阿根廷 1996-03-12  1996


剧情: 由“镭射发行\"电影公司出品,保罗华纳执导。阿添,阿祖、大卫三人都是无所事事、喜欢到处胡闹的十八岁青年,他们为了贪图刺激,在城中银行门前上演一幕枪杀路人的闹剧。不料遇上准备劫银行的劫匪,两人被劫匪挟持,一个被逼回去取回贼款,令他们被警方误认为是劫匪同党,引出了一系列精彩的打斗场面。本片故事情节虽然曲折,但绝无冷场,景物...

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