电影网>明星资料馆>Amando de Ossorio



Endemoniada, La

剧情: 西班牙 1975-03-03  1975|美国 2006-10-02  2006


Amando de Ossorio: el último templario

剧情: Biographical TV documentary about the life and career of Spanish horror film director Amando de Ossorio. It includes interviews with some people who worked in h...

"Once Upon a Time in Europe"

剧情: The end of the fifties through to the mid-seventies witnessed an explosion in genre cinema throughout Europe. This coincided with the appearance of several new ...


Serpiente de mar

剧情: A nuclear detonation in the Atlantic re-animates a prehistoric sea monster. The creature terrorizes the Spanish coastline, attacking swimmers, boats and lightho...



剧情:     时年59岁的西班牙电影明星苏珊娜·埃斯特拉达饰演的特蕾莎是一个巡回演出的魔术团里的脱衣演出的台柱,自她见到年轻的米格尔后,心中燃起了难以言状的激情,于是她诱使他。米格尔也有女朋友......与此同时,特蕾莎和莱昂诺尔也有浪漫的关系......这些,跟团里的艾莉都有扯不断清...


Noche de las gaviotas, La

剧情: The Knight Templars return in this fourth installment of the Blind Dead seris. On this outing, the Templars haunt a fishing village, where they rise seven night...


Garras de Lorelei, Las

剧情: 西德 1976-02-23  1976|西班牙 1979-08-24  1979

Buque maldito, El

剧情: Two young girls travel in a newly constructed boat at sea. This event should make a propaganda for this new construction. The wireless radio contact breaks sudd...


Ataque de los muertos sin ojos, El

剧情: 500 years after they were blinded and executed for committing human sacrifices, a band of Templar knights returns from the grave to terrorize a rural Portuguese...

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