电影网>明星资料馆>Bill Paterson




剧情: 三十年代的伦敦,年轻人们终日沉溺在各种舞会之中,他们酗酒、滥交。作家亚当便是其中一员,为了进入上流社会,他决定同被称为“舞会动物”的名媛妮娜结婚。当他从法国回来的时候,带回来的书因为有不健康的内容而被海关查封,使得他亏损了一大笔钱。所以亚当不得不要尽快筹到一笔钱以挽救自己与妮娜的婚姻。妮娜的家族势力庞大,却异常...

Lie with Me

剧情: Ros Tyler wakes from a drugged sleep to find that her flatmate is dead and she herself has been viciously sexually assaulted. She has also suffered acute memory...

"Sea of Souls"

剧情: Dr. Douglas Monaghan heads a small staff at a Glasgow, Scotland university that studies and performs experiments concerning paranormal activities and abilities....

"Shoebox Zoo"

剧情: Colorado-born eleven year old Marnie McBride (Vivien Endicott Douglas) is mourning the loss of her beloved mother as she settles into her new home in Scotland w...


Home Road Movies

剧情: A sweet reminiscence about a family of four children and their RAF-veteran dad, who knows the timetable of every bus in London, but realizes his large family ne...

Danielle Cable: Eyewitness

剧情: Dramatisation of the real-life road-rage killing in 1996 of Stephen Cameron by Kenneth Noye, who was also implicated in the Brinks Mat bullion robbery and the m...


剧情: Clever adaptation of Chaucer\'s Canterbury to a modern setting. In Episode 1, The Miller\'s Tale, Nick Zakian attempts to seduce a landlord\'s wife with promise...


"Ed Stone Is Dead"

剧情: 瑞典 2005-11-29  2005|芬兰 2004-05-17  2004


剧情: A "film poem" which is a 2002 updated version of the famous 1936 General Post Office film Night Mail (1936). It tells a hard-hitting story of some of th...

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