电影网>明星资料馆>Scott Paulin



"Beverly Hills, 90210"

剧情: 美国 1990-10-04  1990 (re-release)|瑞典 1991-04-07  1991|芬兰 1991-09-05  1991|丹麦 1992-03-23  1992|日本 ...


From Hollywood to Deadwood

剧情: 加拿大 1989-09-14  1989

The Revenge of Al Capone

剧情: Al Capone\'s been convicted of tax evasion, but the law states that he can only be confined to a regular jail cell. And from there, he still runs his criminal e...

Desperate for Love

剧情: 德国 1992-04-22  1992|美国 1989-01-17  1989


剧情: 史考特是一名极端讲究规矩和注意整洁的警探。福星则是世界上最肮脏、最凶恶的一条师狗,它的主人不幸因自赌一宗犯罪事件而被误杀,福星成为凶杀案的目击证人。史考特负责调查这个案子,虽然他十分痛恨福星,却不得不为了保护这个目击证人而跟它生活在一起,翻天覆地的笑料,也由此源源不绝产生……Scott Turner has 3...


Weekend War

剧情: 美国 1988-02-01  1988

To Heal a Nation

剧情: The true story of Jan Scruggs (Eric Roberts), an embittered Vietnam veteran who returns from the war a broken man. However, with the help of his loving wife Bec...

Desert Rats

剧情: 美国 1988-08-07  1988

Tricks of the Trade

剧情: Catherine\'s world goes to pieces when she learns from the police that her husband Donald got killed - shot in the apartment of a prostitute! To her he was a mo...

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