电影网>明星资料馆>Luigi Petrucci



De Gasperi, l'uomo della speranza

剧情: The biography of one of more influent Italian politician, through the dramatic years of fascism, WWII and country rebuilding, economic but above all social. Fir...

Veterinario, Il

剧情: 意大利 2005-01-30  2005


Questo amore

剧情: Claudio and Marta are a happily married middle-aged couple with a son, Simone, aged twenty. Their peaceful world starts to crumble when Simone suddenly leaves f...

Tre metri sopra il cielo

剧情: 法国 2005-10-29  2005|意大利 2004-03-12  2004



剧情:   影片改编自美籍俄裔作家弗拉迪米尔·纳博科夫的1964年的小说《The Defence》,讲述了一个因为从小受到老师的虐待而变得孤僻的国际象棋冠军亚历山大·卢金和一个意志坚强的上流社会女性娜塔莉亚之间的爱情故事德国 2002-09-05  2002|匈牙利 2002-08-08  2002|巴西 ...


Vespa e la regina, La

剧情: Renato, a very effeminate gay who is called "Marlene" in honour of Marlene Dietrich, because of a promise he made for his sick grandmother, he must try ...


Rose e pistole

剧情: Napoli, zona industriale di Bagnoli e dei Campi Flegrei. I due ventenni Rosa (ma non la sola Rosa, da cui il titolo) e Angelo decidono di fuggire insieme. Pappa...

Fuochi d'artificio

剧情: Ottone is a shopkeeper in a pet-shop. During a trip to the Maldives, he tells a psychoanalyst his history with women. Mara had left him for a butcher; Barbara, ...

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