电影网>明星资料馆>David Purdham



All Lies End in Murder

剧情: 美国 1997-01-19  1997



剧情: Vinnie Terranova is back, foiling a staged kidnaping of computer mogul Paul Callendar\'s son in order to probe possible inside information brokering. Meanwhile,...

She Cried No

剧情: This movie is about Melissa. She starts college a bit nervous, and scared of not fitting in. She gets invited to a party thrown by older students, and there she...


Naomi & Wynonna: Love Can Build a Bridge

剧情: 英国 2006-07-11  2006|美国 1995-05-14  1995

Kidnapped: In the Line of Duty

剧情: Arthur Milo, an IRS official with access to detailed personal and financial data, chooses his kidnap victims from his files. Pete Honeycutt is in charge of the ...


剧情: 在女人从军仍备受争议的美国军队中,一位年轻的女飞行员自一艘重达八万顿的美国海军航空母舰上神秘地失踪了?还是一桩意外?海军菁英军事律师团指派哈蒙中尉,与一位剽悍的律师团军官合作,来调查这宗失踪案。两人互不相让的个性,加上军队中士兵互相袒护的风气,使得调查变得棘手而困难重重。他们该如何破案呢?本片结合了「捍卫战士」与「军官...

"The Drew Carey Show"

剧情: 美国 1995-09-13  1995|德国 1996-08-17  1996|英国 1998-02-02  1998|瑞典 1998-08-31  1998|冰岛 2002-09-05&n...


Alien Nation: Dark Horizon

剧情: Followup movie to the TV series about 250,000 aliens, or "newcomers" as they are known, who have by now settled alongside the humans in California. Most...

"Dead at 21"

剧情: 美国 1994-06-09  1994|德国 1995-09-16  1995advertisement [Opening narration.] Narrator: He can run, but he can\'t outrun hi...

"Babylon 5"

剧情: 加拿大 1994-01-26  1994|美国 1994-01-26  1994|英国 1994-05-16  1994|新加坡 1994-07-10  1994|澳大利亚 1994-12-...

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