电影网>明星资料馆>Danny Quinn




剧情: 位于曼哈顿闹市区的戈戈舞脱衣舞俱乐部夜夜笙歌,观客盈门,但其辉煌喧嚣的背后却隐藏着巨大危机。俱乐部老板雷•鲁迪(Willem Dafoe 饰)的弟弟强尼(Matthew Modine 饰)不愿再用自己的钱填补俱乐部的窟窿,资金短缺的雷被迫拖欠4个月房租和舞女的工资,每天被这些人催讨指责,不堪其扰。除此之外,各种...


"Fattoria, La"

剧情: 意大利 2004-04-06  2004



剧情: 意大利 2002-01-04  2002


Amici di Gesù - Tommaso, Gli

剧情: When Jesus is taken off the cross at Golgotha, THOMAS arrives there. Like most of the other disciples, he had worriedly taken refuge with friends in Jerusalem a...

Amici di Gesù - Giuda, Gli

剧情: PILATE and the Roman legate VETURIUS look on worriedly as JESUS is celebrated as the new messiah in Jerusalem, fearing an uprising. Veturius decides to have Jes...


Caracole, La

剧情: 法国 2000-06-12  2000

Femminile, singolare

剧情: 意大利 2000-03-23  2000

"Valeria medico legale"

剧情: 意大利 2000-04-25  2000

Amici di Gesù - Maria Maddalena, Gli

剧情: When the marriage between AMOS and MARY MAGDALENE turns out to be childless, he casts her out and gets a divorce. Mary has to leave Magdala. She befriends SILVA...

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