


Como un relámpago

剧情: Miguel Hermoso\'s Like Lightning offers a fresh take on a familiar scenario, the teenaged boy searching for his unknown father. Pablo is a typical teen, with a ...

Hotel y domicilio

剧情: A forense gay who was left by his lover seeks help of his neighbour who is psychatrist. Following the suggestion of advertising at a contact agency he is drawn ...

Gran Slalom

剧情: 西班牙 1996-02-23  1996


Techo del mundo, El

剧情: A spanish worker obtains the Swiss nationality after twenty years living in Switzerland. He works in his own company and helps the inmigrants with problems. But...

Seductor, El

剧情: 西班牙 1995-03-17  1995

Cuernos de mujer

剧情: Ana works in an office where the things are going very badly. One night after having dinner with nasty rich people, she has a discussion with her husband. He di...

Oh, cielos

剧情: 西班牙 1995-05-26  1995

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