电影网>明星资料馆>Jackie Richardson



Cinnamon Hill

剧情: In an attempt to rein her in, a plantation owner binds his female ward to him by shame. Will the birth of their child mean freedom or a shackle to the past? An ...


剧情: 如果一个人抢走了你的女朋友,你会怎么想?如果抢走你的女朋友的人是贵为一国总统的男人,你会怎么做?对于翰迪·哈里森(雷·罗曼诺饰)来说,他才不管你是总统,还是黑帮老大,抢了我的马子,我就与你死磕到底!   这样一件不可思议的故事,就发生在一个名叫Mooseport的美国小城镇中。前总统,绰号“老鹰”的门罗·科尔(吉...



剧情: Orphan Eddie Burton is not bad, but too many screw-ups land him repeatedly in jail, so his 8-year old son Will, simply abandoned by his \'mother\', has nobody e...


"Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye"

剧情: Based on a true story, Sue Thomas:F.B.Eye follows the adventures of Sue Thomas at the FBI in Washington, D.C. She\'s one hard-headed, soft-hearted woman whose t...



剧情: 英文简短剧情:   This biography of African-American William "Bojangles" Robinson (Gregory Hines) explores his earliest roots as a street performer much against...

On Their Knees

剧情: Mo (Ingrid Veninger) and Willie (Granofsky) are half-sisters who have grown apart over time. Willie is a rebellious, hard-drinking waitress while Mo toils away ...

They Call Me Sirr

剧情: 匈牙利 2005-09-08  2005|美国 2001-11-01  2001

"Further Tales of the City"

剧情: This third installment to "Tales of the City" finds Mary Ann Singleton struggling to advance in her new career as a TV personality, while Michael Tolliv...



剧情:   为人师表通常给人的印象应该是循循善诱教导学生遵守纪律,给他们一个好榜样:但本片里芝加哥仕丹麦思中学的学生却遇上一位特别的老师柏奇。他不只指导他们奉献的真理.做事要有毅力,群体合作精神,最特别的是,他还会教晓学生出猫!一次辩论比赛中他们便能将老师传授的出千妙计发挥得淋漓尽致!In the fall of 1994, ...

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