电影网>明星资料馆>Chuck Roberson




剧情: 南方战败后,南方老兵奥迈拉西行,加入苏族,娶了妻子,拒绝成为美国人,但苏族对美军作战时,他必须选择一方站队。A Rebel vet, O\\\'Meara has refused to surrender when Lee does at Appomatox. O\\\'Meara travels west and a...


剧情: The workers on the railroad haven\'t been paid in months --- that\'s because Whitey and his gang, including fast-shooting, dangerous, but likeable Utica Kid, ke...


剧情: An authoritarian rancher, Barbara Stanwyck, who rules an Arizona county with her private posse of hired guns. When a new marshall arrives to set things straight...

"Have Gun - Will Travel"

剧情: 美国 1957-09-14  1957advertisement Paladin: I don\'t think you got a very good look at this gun while you had it. The balance is perfect. ...



剧情:   本片是约翰·福特的又一杰作。故事讲的是在一次印地安人的突袭中,仇恨一切印地安退伍老兵伊森·爱德华兹的哥嫂被杀,侄女也被掠走。于是,埃森在他哥哥的养子马丁的陪伴下,开始了搜寻侄女的艰难岁月。伊森不惜耗时五年和花费千元赏金来寻找斯卡的下落,其表面理由是要救回被红番掳去的侄女黛比,实际上则是要将杀死心爱的嫂子的元凶碎...

Thunder Over Arizona

剧情: 美国 1956-08-04  1956|瑞典 1957-05-06  1957|芬兰 1957-12-06  1957|丹麦 1958-05-15  1958

The King and Four Queens

剧情: Smooth cowboy Dan Kehoe arrives at a ranch run by an old widow and her four daughters-in-law. He\'s been tipped off that the proceeds of a gold robbery are hidd...


剧情: A former sheriff, haunted by the loss of his wife in a Wells Fargo robbery, hunts for the seven men responsible for her death. Along the way, he assists a coupl...

The Rawhide Years

剧情: 瑞典 1955-11-28  1955|日本 1955-12-11  1955|奥地利 1956-04-06  1956|芬兰 1956-04-13  1956|西德 1956-06-15&...

Red Sundown

剧情: 美国 1956-05-28  1956|瑞典 1956-08-24  1956|西德 1957-01-11  1957

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