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No Retreat, No Surrender 3: Blood Brothers

剧情: Two feuding brothers (one a policeman, the other a martial arts expert) of different political views, join forces to avenge the death of their father, a retired...


I ragazzi del 42° plotone

剧情: 意大利 1989-05-26  1989

Summer Job

剧情: Tom: Sorry I\'m late, but my car broke down and I had to hijack a bus. Karen: I can tell you\'re a man, and a friendly one at that, or that\'s a pickle in y...


剧情:   史高为南美强人的手下,他知道强人手中有一笔金钱存在银行。迪宝是南美强人的妻子,而她又和佐治有婚外情,因而史高透过她们的关系想夺取这笔金钱。期间史高便不断策划阴谋加害他们,逐杀连环由此而起。An American veteran (Weller) of the Dominican Republic intervent...


剧情: 剧情简介一群生态学者,前往某沼泽地区采集水质样品化验以便作成环境评估报告。然而在这期间友人先后离奇失踪,终于得知是巨大鳄鱼所为,于是怀疑跟当地有人倾倒放射性废物有关。居住沼泽达三十年的乔闻后,而展开一场人鳄斗智斗力之争,鳄终于被消灭。


剧情: \"Porky\" style teen comedy with plenty of gross out jokes and nudity. A nerd and his out-of-control friend chase a dream girl to a beach on Florida where all t...

"Tales from the Crypt"

剧情: One hour stories with many themes, including; horror, twists, black-magic, sci-fi .... Introduced by a puppet called "The Crypt Keeper". A cross between...

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