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Roxy Hunter and the Mystery of the Moody Ghost

剧情: Roxy Hunter, a tumultuous and precocious nine-year-old "going on 35" has just moved to the sleepy little town of Serenity Falls with her widowed mother,...


剧情: 这是一个有关迟到的梦想的故事…… “小鱼”罗伯特·菲什曼是一个极度活跃、过于亢奋、自我标榜的鼓手,作为一个乐队的创始人之一,“小鱼”最大的梦想就是成为一个超级摇滚巨星。然而太过专注于音乐的“小鱼”显然在处理人际关系方面不太在行,因为他随即就被自己组建的乐队除名,梦想的大门也在他面前轰然关闭。 ...


Run Robot Run!

剧情: Ken Weston lives in the not-too-distant future and is not your typical human being. He is more organized than a day planner and more regimented than a Marine. W...

Me and Luke

剧情: Me and Luke is a family story about a young father and his newborn son. Matt, who is nineteen, goes to the hospital to see his baby. At the hospital, he discove...


Knights of the South Bronx

剧情: A business man decides that he wants to teach school in the inner city and chooses a tough school in the South Bronx. He teaches the children how to play the ga...



剧情: Trailer Park Boys is about life between prison terms. Always trying to play the angles, always done-in by forces beyond their control, and always in the middle ...


Comfort and Joy

剧情: The life of Jane Berry was all materialist, until one Christmas Eve, she is involved in a car accident that changes her life forever. She wakes up to discover s...


剧情: 剧情简介总有一些混乱时刻,生活会让我们感到特别痛苦,好像看着海面此起彼伏的漩涡,不知道一切会变成怎样,或者什么时候会有尽头。  17岁的高中女生哈蕾·马丁(曼迪·摩尔饰)忽然发现,自己就身处在这样的一团糟中,她最亲近的人们不明所以的都在感情生活上发生着翻天覆地的变化。母亲蕾蒂尔(艾莉森·洁妮饰)正因为离婚痛苦不已,觉得...



剧情: After joining the Skulls, Ryan Sommers (Robin Dunne) is warned not to betray any secrets about the organization or its high-powered members. However, when Ryan ...

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