电影网>明星资料馆>Babe Ruth



"The Century: America's Time"

剧情: 美国 1999-09-28  1999Ossie Davis: "The Harlem Renaissance" is one of those fancy terms that white folks use when they want to look at a cer...

The Life and Times of Hank Greenberg

剧情: The story of Baseball Hall-of-Famer Hank Greenberg is told through archival film footage and interviews with Jewish and non-Jewish fans, his former teammates, h...

ABC 2000: The Millennium

剧情: ABC 2000 was perhaps the most elaborate, complex and ambitious televison program produced. ABCNews placed correspondents and production teams on every continent...


Babe Ruth

剧情: 美国 1998-08-16  1998



剧情: 美国 1994-09-18  1994advertisement Narrator: It is played everywhere. In parks and playgrounds and prison yards. In back alleys and farmer...


When It Was a Game 2

剧情: Film consists solely of 8mm and 16mm film taken by players and fans from 1925 to 1961. All but approximately 6 minutes of the film is in color. Also includes li...


When It Was a Game

剧情: This film consists solely of 8mm and 16mm film taken by players and fans from 1934 and 1957. All but a few minutes of the film are in color. Included is color f...

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