电影网>明星资料馆>Lino Salemme




剧情:   这部影片真实的记录了耶稣基督一生中最后的12个小时,那是他在耶路撒冷受难的一天,也是他化身人类所遭受到的最残酷最痛苦的折磨,直到他生命的消逝。   故事从一个夜晚开始,耶稣(詹姆斯·卡维泽 饰)被犹大出卖给了罗马人,在暗蓝色的夜幕下耶稣被惊醒,震惊、失望,接着坦然、宽容,默默束手被擒。当罗马人用铁链绑住耶稣的...


"Impero, L'"

剧情: Dario Ferri, an investigator with the Rome anti-Mafia unit visits the dreaded Ma-fia killer Nicolo Panarea in prison. Dario has recently been the one to put him...


Pista bulgara, La

剧情: Sura: [to a chained-up Marc] I want to know just how long it takes before you tell me everything. And you will tell me everything.



剧情: In southeast Sicily, a team of archaeologists investagate the ruins of a crypt where heretic nuns had been stoned and crucified by the village people in the 16t...


Dolce casa degli orrori, La

剧情: A happily married couple are brutally murdered in their house by an intruder. Later, their ghosts return from beyond to haunt their home as well as comfort thei...

Vanille fraise

剧情: Ancienne espionne ayant arr阾 depuis 10 ans, Clarisse vit une vie tranquille. Tout irait pour le mieux si son mari, Antoine, ne la trompait pas r間uli鑢ement tout ...

"La piovra 3"

剧情: 瑞典 1989-01-22  1989 (re-release)|匈牙利 2005-06-27  2005advertisement Commissario Corrado Cattani: [at a wedding reception i...

Spogliando Valeria

剧情: 日本 1989-11-18  1989

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