电影网>明星资料馆>Jason Salkey



Sharpe's Enemy

剧情: Portugal 1813. A band of deserters, including Sharpe\'s old enemy, Obadiah Hakeswill, have captured two women, one the wife of a high-ranking English officer, a...


Anna Lee: Headcase

剧情: 英国 1993-01-10  1993Selwyn Price: That\'s a disgustingly short skirt, if I may say so. Anna Lee: Gosh, thanks! [talking about a girl that An...

Sharpe's Eagle

剧情: Sharpe is a Captain saddled with the South Essex, a battalion run by incompetents and filled with soldiers who have never been in battle. When the South Essex l...

Sharpe's Rifles

剧情: Portugal 1809, the Peninsular War in the age of Napoleon. A British sergeant in the 95th Rifles saves the life of Arthur Wellesley, and finds himself promoted t...



剧情: 版本一:   二战期间,一批年轻的美空军学员,为了保卫祖国领空不受侵犯,纷纷驾机与法西斯进行顽强而英勇的空战。他们的年纪都不到二十岁,面对残酷的厮杀,死神会在刹那间夺走生命。 版本二:   影片描写了二次大战中的1943年,10名飞行员驾驶B—17轰炸机飞越德军上空轰炸既定目标的壮烈场面。这群朝气勃勃的小伙子...


剧情: 版本一   喀特雅(米切尔法伊弗饰)是漂亮的俄国图书编辑,她把一部知名的苏维埃科学家写的手稿寄给了英国书商巴里布莱尔(肖恩康纳利饰),因此无意中让二人卷入国际间谍的世界。这个手稿之中包含了能够改变世界权利格局的信息,中途被西方国家的超级特工阻截,于是布莱尔被派往俄国去打探关于这个神秘文献的更多情报。但是当布莱尔遇到了...

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