电影网>明星资料馆>Massimo Sarchielli



Decisionista, Il

剧情: Gian Luigi is a young aggressive financial consultant in Roma. He manages a huge amount of money, often without knowing who the owners are. He deposits his prof...


Arcano incantatore, L'

剧情: A seminary student, Giacomo Vigetti, is convicted by the Papal State of seducing a young girl. He is forced to flee and takes refuge with an excommunicated prie...

Albergo Roma

剧情: In a little village in Tuscany, during 1939, all the people is looking forward for Mussolini official visit. The Duce will inaugurate the village\'s primary sch...


剧情: 约翰意外地继承了一座美丽壮观的城堡,此城堡虽看似宁静,实则堡内蕴藏著无数的秘密,以及一个可怕的怪物。当约翰逐渐地了解自己的身世时,他的家人亦随之陷入危境,而那怪物藏匿于暗处伺机攻击约翰一家人。这怪物究竟为何人物?约翰一家人能安然渡过难关吗……


Con gli occhi chiusi

剧情: 意大利 1994-12-13  1994|法国 1995-07-12  1995

Voll normaaal

剧情: Tommie works as mechanic in a garage and loves crazy exhausts. But when he steals the exhaust of the procurer Jupp a lot of trouble starts: Jupp gives Tommie an...


Volere volare

剧情: Martina is a professional lady whose clients are harmless if eccentric; she sees herself as a social worker. Shy Maurizio dubs sound for cartoons while his outg...

Bonus malus

剧情: 加拿大 1993-09-16  1993

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