电影网>明星资料馆>Steve Scionti



Bikini Traffic School

剧情: 英国 1998-03-09  1998

Invisible Dad

剧情: Doug Baily\'s father is weird, but a strange machine in the garage now makes him invisible too. Its a roller coaster ride of fun and hijinks as Doug tries to tu...



剧情: 塔拉米卡麦克是个身手矫健特种部队,为联邦政府从事秘密工作。某次工运头子史皮纳托杀害了塔拉的妹妹,竟被法院判决无罪当庭开释,塔拉一气之下枪击史皮纳托,为妹妹主持正义.....,但自己也因此深陷狱中,备受欺凌。塔拉在狱中结识好友乔西,并与政府达成秘密协议,要出狱替国除害,不料其中陷阱重重,使得塔拉敌友难分.....。 &n...

Friend of the Family II

剧情: Alex decides to have an affair with a woman named Linda while he is on business in New Orleans. When he returns home to his wife and child, he is surprised to f...

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