电影网>明星资料馆>Tom Seiler



The Norman Rockwell Code

剧情: A famous museum... a shocking murder... a distinguished symbologist... an alluring cryptologist... secrets written in code. No, it\'s not that "other" s...

Heavens Fall

剧情: Successful New York attorney Sam Leibowitz travels to the South in 1933 to defend nine young black men accused of raping two women on an Alabama freight train. ...


剧情: 神秘的寄生虫把守法的镇民变成吃人肉的丧尸,技工杰克的生活大受影响,镇上唯一通往外面的道路因事故而与世隔绝,杰克求助于前女友艾可丝,他们试图努力来解决感染迅速传播之谜。三位迷途英雄通过连场激斗,发现丧尸竟然害怕盐砾,于是盐成为了他们的制胜法宝,但他们能否活着在一夜间将丧尸全数歼灭…   比较有意思的一...


Developing Sheldon

剧情: On a rainy Sunday afternoon, Elizabeth finds herself at her mother\'s house, whom she hasn\'t visited for years. It\'s a time to remember, so, as the story is t...


Title to Murder

剧情: While researching an ordinary real estate transaction, title examiner Leah Farrell, (Maureen McCormick) uncovers the mystery of a missing woman. When she is thr...

Echos of Enlightenment

剧情: Everyday, somewhere in America, a middle aged man leaves his home, his family, and never returns. Daniel, who knows the meaning of dreams and visions, is one su...



剧情: 剧情简介天才怪博士勒佛里斯(肯尼斯布莱纳),因在实验中失去双腿,所以没有下半身的他,上半身如雕像般搁放在轮椅上。残缺的他个性怪怪到处作乱,驾驶自己发明的机器大蜘蛛,意谋杀总统。因此风流倜傥、身手矫健的联邦特詹姆斯魏思特(威尔史密斯),与易容大师阿默高登(凯文克莱饰)被奉命捉拿这位搞鬼博士。  魏恩特耍聪明的行事风格让高...


The Man in the Iron Mask

剧情: A lad jousting with his tutor is kidnaped and carried to the Bastille where his head is locked in an iron mask. Jump ten years: Musketeers return from war in Mo...

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