电影网>明星资料馆>Christopher Shyer



"The Days"

剧情: 美国 2004-07-18  2004Cooper Day: One day, all of this will make me very rich. e07 Jack Day: Did anyone have sex, take drugs, or skip school?...


The Invitation

剧情: Roland Levy (Lance Henriksen) is a great writer. A teller of tales. A setter of scenes. But the six guests he has invite to his island home are in for a scene l...

Before I Say Goodbye

剧情: Based on the novel by award winning, best selling author Mary Higgins Clark. Nell MacDermott loses her husband in a fiery boating accident. With their relations...

Behind the Camera: The Unauthorized Story of 'Three's Company'

剧情: \'Three\'s Company\', the comedy centered on two attractive, young women who made the rent on their Santa Monica beach-side apartment by taking in a third roomm...

Phenomenon II

剧情: 澳大利亚 2006-01-30  2006|德国 2005-10-30  2005|西班牙 2005-07-10  2005|匈牙利 2005-04-28  2005|意大利 2005-02...

See Grace Fly

剧情: 葡萄牙 2004-02-25  2004|加拿大 2003-09-01  2003

K-9: P.I.

剧情: Dooley and his K-9 partner Jerry Lee are ready to retire from the police force. But before he can retire with his pension he must work as a P.I. to find a set o...

地心抢险记 译制版

剧情: 地球核心因为不明原因停止转动,导致存在于地球上的电磁场急速崩解,全球各地都出现异常灾难。美国波士顿在十个街口的范围内,有三十二名装置心律调整器的市民在一瞬间心脏停止跳动因而暴毙。   西岸旧金山的地标金门大桥也突然断成两截,数百人坠入大海;而更离奇的是,聚集在伦敦特拉法加广场的成群鸽子突然之间失去辨识方向...


剧情: 地球核心因为不明原因停止转动,导致存在于地球上的电磁场急速崩解,全球各地都出现异常灾难。美国波士顿在十个街口的范围内,有三十二名装置心律调整器的市民在一瞬间心脏停止跳动因而暴毙。   西岸旧金山的地标金门大桥也突然断成两截,数百人坠入大海;而更离奇的是,聚集在伦敦特拉法加广场的成群鸽子突然之间失去辨识方向...


"Monk" Mr. Monk and the Candidate: Part 1

剧情: 匈牙利 2005-07-28  2005|芬兰 2004-09-08  2004|爱沙尼亚 2003-09-06  2003|瑞典 2003-04-08  2003|美国 2002-07-1...

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