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Return to Mayberry

剧情: This was a reunion bringing back most of the characters from The Andy Griffith Show. It begins with Andy Taylor returning to Mayberry and planning to run for hi...

Garfield in Paradise

剧情: Garfield, Jon, and Odie are in Hawaii and must save a native tribe from a erupting volcano with the help of their rented 1957 Chevy. Not that isn\'t time for Ga...


剧情: 版本一:   剧中主角老鼠伟福,在从苏联移民到美国的途中跟家人失散,于是它开始漫长的孤独旅程,为了寻找家人而四处闯荡,在纽约遭遇层出不穷的趣事和挑战。经过种种磨难,结果成为当地英雄,并因此得以和家人团聚。 版本二: 这是一个关于老鼠家庭移民的故事。老鼠Fievel,在从苏联移民到美国的途中跟家人失散,...


Here Come the Littles

剧情: Henry\'s parents are lost in Africa, so he must live with his greedy and heartless Uncle Augustus. In the crevices of the house live the \"Littles\" kind, elf-l...


Garfield in the Rough

剧情: Garfield is taken on a camping trip by Jon, much against his will. A series of very funny disasters follow. But not all is well, as a panther has escaped from t...

Strong Kids, Safe Kids

剧情: Chris Wallace: Penis. Is what boys have down in front. Penis. Is the word though it seems blunt. All boys have a penis, so no matter what you\'ve heard, remembe...



剧情: 作品叙述了一个叫亨利的13岁男孩在度假途中,在他的旅行箱里意外发现了一种长着尖耳朵、翘门牙、细尾巴的微型小人——“小不点”。“小不点”有一个完整的家庭:爷爷、爸爸、妈妈和三个孩子(21岁的丁姬,13岁的汤姆和10岁的露西)。丁姬是一个冒失的粗喉咙飞行员。此后,他们就住在亨利卧室的通风道里,亨利的宠物龟也成了他们的好朋友...

Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore

剧情: Eeyore is gloomy, like always, but more so now. His birthday is right around the corner and everybody has forgotten. It didn\'t cheer him up any when Tigger ...

Mickey's Christmas Carol

剧情: It\'s the same old classic Charles Dickens story with an all star Disney cast. Uncle Scrooge McDuck is appropriately enough Scrooge and is visited by his dead p...

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