电影网>明星资料馆>Michael Sorich




剧情:   统道学园新人学的年级新生是有着“爆拳”称号的风宗一郎和勃布牧原,在刚刚入学之初两个人就大打出手,妄想称霸整个校园。但是怎么也没想到他们遇到的对手竟然是刚进门口的时候他们瞧都没瞧上眼的小鬼和豆芽,这个被成为“小鬼”的小家伙不仅能变身成一个身材超好的漂亮MM,而且只是那么轻轻挥就把风宗一郎打出了窗外,可怜的风宗一郎还没...


剧情: 2131年,地球爆发大规模的世界大战,各大主要城市尽成废墟,人们流离失所。讽刺的是,这场摧毁人类文明的大战最终没有任何战胜国。幸存的人类将原来的综合管理机构改造成名为奥林帕斯的基地,以此作为幸存者的理想国。   少女琉南•纳兹在一座废弃城市与火力强大的人造人展开激烈战斗,危急时刻,她的前男友布里亚留斯和美丽女...


John H.

剧情: Director John H. has worked for more than five years on his film Jimmy Hollywood. Plans were made to start shooting in Hollywood real soon. But there is a big p...



剧情: Years after the Earth was conquered by the mutant Enterrans, Yakumo, a girl, awake of a three hundred years sleep and discover that the human race is extinct. N...

"Power Rangers Wild Force"

剧情: Power Rangers Wild Force takes place in a city known as Turtle Lake, where evil creatures of the past called The Orgs have returned from their long slumber to c...


剧情: This show is about a tournament of Battle Robots who are shaped like humans and transforming animals. If the damage taken off your team HP hits 0, you lose. If ...


"Mon Colle Knights"

剧情: 美国 2001-10-20  2001

The Prince of Light

剧情: 印度 2001-11-09  2001|美国 2001-09-25  2001

Noriega: God's Favorite

剧情: 英国 2005-08-02  2005|意大利 2003-08-03  2003|美国 2001-06-06  2001|芬兰 2000-03-04  2000Manuel Noriega: You ...

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