剧情: 当一个神秘的犯罪需要她唯一的哥哥的生命,埃塞俄比亚美国妇女搜索他的死亡背后的真相,同时努力调和与她自己的追求自我认同和喜爱的文化期望。When a mysterious crime takes the life of her only brother, an Ethiopian American woman searc...
剧情: In this convoluted story of lust, deception and accidental murder, Paddy Rayne (Vic Polizos) is the owner of a small Los Angeles appliance store whom is also a ...
剧情: 布兰达在小时候曾经遭受过巨大创伤,长大后,老朋友乔纳森和她都意识到世界并没有什么改变。他们强烈的希望获得成功,于是在洛杉机开始了他们的淘金生涯,为了追求美国梦,他们深陷吸毒、滥交和诈骗的泥沼中不能自拔。After a traumatic childhood being bullied Brenda (Sean Yo...
剧情: Set in the art world Of San Pedro,this is the story of Matthew, a struggling artist, who falls in love with the much heralded painter, Deanna, while battling co...
剧情: 香港 2005-04-05 2005|英国 2004-10-30 2004|美国 2004-10-05 2004Jack Tanner: He\'s a newly minted Log Cabin Republican. ...
剧情: Four young women and three young men, totally strangers to each other, are sent to an isolated house with the crew members of a reality show to stay living toge...
剧情: 剧情简介宁静的底律郊区,住著一家虔诚的天主教波兰人,四个吵闹的男孩、一位正值青春期的美丽女儿,加上身为清洁妇,却在公司里和上司搞外遇的母亲,还有位终日哲思满溢的父亲,一家热闹的在一起。爱和母亲唱反调,却是父亲掌上明珠的赫夏集天真、好奇、热情与愤怒于一身,从高中辍学后每晚偷偷从窗子爬出来,和英俊却薄幸的警察约会,自以为能...