电影网>明星资料馆>Ben Stein



The Most Outrageous Game Show Moments

剧情: 美国 2002-05-22  2002Richard Dawson: Name the first article of clothing you take off when you get home from work. Contestant: My underwear! [A...


剧情: 法国 2005-12-14  2005|波兰 2003-11-28  2003|丹麦 2003-11-17  2003|英国 2003-11-15  2003|澳大利亚 2002-12-04...


Starz! 10th Anniversary

剧情: 美国 2001-04-01  2001


剧情: 版本一: 这部影片的题材真是让人匪夷所思,好莱坞的电影人竟然把镜头伸到了人的咽喉,肠胃,把一群活灵活现的细胞带到观众面前。 建筑工人弗兰克(比尔·默里)误吃了一个被猴子口水污染过的苹果,镜头跟着苹果来到他体内。在他的血液里,有一个叫作奥兹(克里斯·洛克配音)的白血球,和所有的白血球一样,奥兹的工...

"The Fairly OddParents"

剧情: Timmy Turner is an average 10-year old boy who wishes for a perfect life. Unfortunately, he has parents who work full time, like most kids, and while they are o...


"Turn Ben Stein On"

剧情: 美国 1999-12-02  1999

Wakko's Wish

剧情: 英国 2003-12-27  2003|美国 1999-12-21  1999|墨西哥 1999-07-26  1999Skippy: Even my nuts are frozen! [holds a block of fr...

"The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn"

剧情: 美国 1999-03-31  1999Announcer: And now it\'s time for \'Craig Almost Seals The Deal With His Lady Friend, But Blows It On The Very Last Line.\' ...



剧情:   将卖座科幻片「MIB星际战警」大开玩笑,两名清洁垃圾工人误打误撞登上一架神秘的不名飞行物体,以为被罗致成为高级特工,对付外星侵略者,怎料后来却变成外星人奴隶,还牵涉入邪恶科学家策划的外星人侵略阴谋。Two garbagemen (Tom Wilson, Karim Prince) are picked up by ...

"Hollywood Squares"

剧情: 美国 1998-09-14  1998advertisement Tom Bergeron: Recently on Live with Regis and Kelly, Kelly Ripa started a club called \"Rip-heads\". Wh...

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