电影网>明星资料馆>Don Stroud



Prime Target

剧情: John Bloodstone is a cop who is put on suspension after he uses a blow torch to stop a group of hostage takers. Bloodstone\'s next assignment begins when his bo...

The Roller Blade Seven

剧情: Hawk: Pharoah, you are a devil! Pharoah: You are right. I am the devil! Hawk: You have sent for me, Father Donaldo? Reverend Donaldo: Hawk, sister Spa...


剧情: 积东尼的哥哥十年前在泰国曼谷,刚赢得博击拳赛的冠军,在返回家中的路上被可汗截杀,那时十四岁的积心理及生理受到了创伤,光阴似箭,积已是纽约有名便衣刑警,为了补偿他死去的哥哥,每当遭遇愤怒或挫折,他都能发泄在坏人的身上。队长欧雷借用积出任务,命令积到泰国出任务,他的任务是乔装成一个博击演员拍摄一部沾满血腥的电影,这部电影的...


Twisted Justice

剧情: In the Los Angeles of the future, police are forbidden to carry weapons and must use stun guns (called \"stingers\") instead. A maverick detective ignores those...


剧情: 剧情简介泰勒原是一名飞行员,因遭诬陷而入狱,在狱中泰勒和喀特帮的毒王东尼结下种子,东尼指使手下强暴并谋杀泰勒的姐姐。泰勒悲愤之余,决定为姐复仇并证明自己的清白,他用计逃离监狱,并且让警方查获东尼的贩毒集团总部,事后泰勒悄悄回到狱中。当罪嫌澄清时,泰勒终于获得释放,但他要面临的却是更危险的局势,因为东尼早已虎视眈眈准备复...

Mob Boss

剧情: 美国 1990-09-16  1990


Hyper Space

剧情: In the 21st Century, the \"Corporation\" sends a spaceship to dispose of earth\'s severe nuclear waste to a distant region in the cosmos. The astronauts awaken ...

Mike Hammer: Murder Takes All

剧情: Mike is asked by a Las Vegas entertainer to come to Vegas. Mike refuses, he is then knocked out and dropped (literally) into Las Vegas. He is led to believe tha...


剧情: 在得知毒品走私大王桑切斯在拉丁美洲的巴哈马群岛附近停留的消息后,英国间谍007詹姆斯·邦德同莱特和夏基赶到那里,试图将桑切斯逮捕归案。但桑切斯不仅逃脱了,还将莱特投进了鲨鱼池里。莱特虽保住了一命,却成了残废。上司M先生对邦德发出了警告,但邦德却坚持继续追击,遂被解除了职务,还被没收了杀人执照。桑切斯在巴拿马的地...

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