电影网>明星资料馆>Michel Such



Wesh wesh, qu'est-ce qui se passe?

剧情: Kamel, a young man from the french ghetto, near Paris, is coming back to France. He was arrested for dealing drugs, he spent five years in jail and was banned f...

Félix et Lola

剧情: 香港 2001-12-15  2001|美国 2001-11-03  2001|日本 2001-11-03  2001|荷兰 2001-09-11  2001|瑞士 2001-05-03&n...


剧情:   美丽自信的阿尔及尔女郎艾黛深得事业成功的有妇之夫宠爱,满以为自己是全世界最幸福的女人,藏娇者偏偏在这时心脏病发,一命呜呼。一下子从天堂跌下炼狱,令她不惜伪造遗嘱争身家,跟男人遗孀长年累月打官司。可惜执着和胜利无关,在生活日蹇,连小儿子也保不住的情况下,身心俱疲的艾黛濒临崩溃;大儿子惟有在破败的居所默默照料母亲,送她...


Trois saisons

剧情: 法国 1999-01-30  1999


Oranges amères

剧情: 法国 1997-04-16  1997


Bab El-Oued City

剧情: Bab El-Oued, a popular district of Algiers, in 1989, a few months after the riots. Boualem works at night in a bakery and steals the loudspeaker that was instal...


Soif de l'or, La

剧情: Urbain and his grandmother are stingy. They buy gold with all their money, and hide it inside the bricks of a wall at their country house. Jackes, his chauffer,...

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