电影网>明星资料馆>Dick Sutherland




剧情: Police Chief Jim Fitzpatrick is fighting gangster Sam Belmonte. He asks his dishonest brother Ed to keep an eye on Daisy who was connected with Belmonte. Writ...

Chandu the Magician

剧情: Megalomaniac and would-be world dominator Roxor has kidnaped Robert Regent, along with his deat...


Moby Dick

剧情: 美国 1930-08-14  1930 (New York City, New York) (premiere)|美国 1930-09-20  1930|芬兰 1932-12-25  1932advertisement ...


The Hoose-Gow

剧情: Stanley and Oliver protest that they were only bystanders to the raid, but are hauled off to a prison labor camp anyway. They procede with their usual mayhem, S...

Seven Footprints to Satan

剧情: 美国 1929-01-27  1929 (silent version)|美国 1929-02-17  1929 (sound version)|美国 1929-04-07  1929 (silent version)|美国 ...

Don't Be Nervous

剧情: 美国 1929-07-07  1929


West of Zanzibar

剧情: Magician Phroso\'s wife Anna leaves him for another man, named Crane, who fights with Phroso and leaves him paralyzed. Later Anna returns and he finds her dead,...

Riders of the Dark

剧情: 美国 1928-04-21  1928|芬兰 1929-04-22  1929

The Viking

剧情: 美国 1928-11-02  1928


剧情: 伊万·玛科夫是一个农民,他加入了俄国军队,并成了一名低级军官,他被告知没有一个农民能够成为更高级的军官。有一天,他和他最好的朋友列兵布巴一起在湖里游泳,他们遇到三个在那里游泳的女孩。布巴喜欢开玩笑,就把这三个女孩子的衣服藏了起来,知道这件事情后,伊万骂了布巴一顿,然后把这些衣服还给三位小姐。这时,伊万碰到了塔玛...

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