


"Veronica's Closet"

剧情: 美国 1997-09-25  1997|英国 1998-01-08  1998|法国 1998-02-05  1998|比利时 1998-03-14  1998|挪威 1998-04-15&...


剧情: The world\'s most famous actress freaks out on the set of her latest Christmas blockbuster and runs away to hide in the unlikely setting of Palm Springs. She me...


剧情: 白人少女与其男友到非洲丛林中探险,一心想发现传说中白猿人的下落。作为万兽之王的狮子却不欢迎他们的到来,震怒之下,差一点把这些不速之客当成餐前小菜。自私的男友没能经受住这次生死考验,在女朋友临危之际竟自逃生。幸好有自幼流落丛林的乔治及时援手,少女不但狮口余生,而且意外见到梦寐以求的“白猿人\"。可恨的是乔治没有倒在狮爪下...

"Ally McBeal"

剧情: 美国 1997-09-08  1997 (Italian speaking region)|瑞典 1998-02-23  1998 (French speaking region)|法国 1998-02-24  1998|丹麦 ...



剧情: Melanie Parker是一名离异的事业女性,任职于某建筑事务所;Jack Taylor是一名离异的报纸专栏作家,各自的孩子Sammy和Maggie在同一所学校上学,因此而认识。最近Jack正为市政府的贪污案忙得不可开交,而Melanie也为一个数百万美元的房地产项目呕心沥血,而且由于她的老板讨厌小孩,Me...


Awake to Danger

剧情: Several of the Collin\'s neighbors are victims of a series of burglaries. One evening their house is tragically hit, too: Mr. Collins finds his wife dead in the...

A Perry Mason Mystery: The Case of the Jealous Jokester

剧情: Bill McKenzie\'s niece works as a production assistant for controversial television personality Josie Joplin, who publicly accuses her of having an affair with ...

A Walton Wedding

剧情: Fifth Waltons TV movie is set in 1964 which has John-Boy Walton planning his wedding to Janet Gilchrist, the editor of a New York fashion magazine and the daugh...

With Hostile Intent

剧情: After police officer Miranda Berkley dumps her boyfriend, who\'s also her superior, she and her colleague Kathy Arnold constantly are harassed by their male co-...

Last Summer in the Hamptons

剧情: 美国 1995-11-22  1995|加拿大 1995-09-13  1995Oona Hart: We could have done something important Max. We could have fought child abuse or...

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