电影网>明星资料馆>Ken Terrell




剧情: 南西是一位善良的姑娘,虽然她的家庭很富有,但并不幸福。她视其为生命的丈夫居然是个花花公子,不但四处寻花问柳,还企图占据她父亲的财产。而南西的父亲是个地地道道的爱钱如命的奸商。从未关心过她。一天南西意外地遇到一艘飞碟,并与飞碟进行接触,这使她魔术般地变成了一个有五十英尺的女巨人,南西的生活从此发生了翻天覆地的变化...


剧情: During the War of 1812 against Britain: General Andrew Jackson has only 1,200 men left to defend New Orleans when he learns that a British fleet will arrive wit...


Portland Exposé

剧情: 美国 1957-08-11  1957|瑞典 1958-06-30  1958

Sabu and the Magic Ring

剧情: 美国 1957-11-24  1957


剧情: A professional hitman is hired by a friend to commit two murders. His friend pays him off in what turns out to be stolen money, and the police soon trace the mo...

The Brain from Planet Arous

剧情: A powerful criminal brain from the planet Arous, Gor, assumes the body of scientist Steve March. Thru March he begins to control the world by threatening destru...


剧情: Loose biography of actor Lon Chaney. Growing up with deaf parents, he learns what it is like to be different. As an actor, he puts that knowledge (together with...


A Strange Adventure

剧情: 美国 1956-08-24  1956|日本 1958-02-11  1958|瑞典 1958-02-17  1958

Indestructible Man

剧情: A violent criminal called The Butcher is brought back to life by a scientist using electricity. The Butcher becomes an invulnerable mute, and seeks vengeance up...


剧情: 摩西出生在埃及法老下令杀尽希伯来男婴的“白色恐怖”时期,他的父母不敢收藏,便把他放在篮子里顺流而下,盼有人收养。法老的女儿发现摩西,收为自己的儿子。摩西长大后对埃及人奴役希伯来人越来越看不惯,一次他失手打死一个欺负希伯来人的埃及人。法老王知道此事后要惩罚摩西,于是失去母亲保护的他逃往米甸地居住,开始他四十年的牧...

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