剧情: 阿莱克·杰弗里斯爵士,FRS(Sir Alec John Jeffreys,1950年1月9日-,出生于牛津)是一位英国遗传学家,最早的DNA指纹分析及DNA特征测定技术发展者。其技术首次在1983到1986年间的谋杀案应用,使嫌犯柯林·皮区佛克(Colin Pitchfork)因DNA证据而被定罪。 ...
剧情: A forensic psychologist, Sally Rowe, is appointed by police to determine whether there\'s enough evidence to lay murder charges against 17 year old Alex, accuse...
剧情: An in-depth biopic of Princess Margaret from the days following her father\'s death in 1952 until the 1970s. She was known to be a flamboyant royal but she rema...
剧情: 英国 2006-12-10 2006Nella Last: [voiceover] ... There is, of course, my sister-in-law\'s rather peculiar whirlwind engagement. Dot: Still can\'...
剧情: 英国 2006-09-21 2006
剧情: 披露当年罗斯维尔录像伪造事件。 美国新墨西哥州罗斯威尔(Roswell)传闻于一九四七年有飞碟坠毁,发现了天外来客。到一九九五年更有一段解剖外星人的片段播出,片长九十一分钟,片名叫《解剖外星人》(Alien Autopsy)轰动全球,后来才被揭发是个惊世骗局。最近,有份拍摄片段的汉弗莱斯(John&n...