电影网>明星资料馆>Massimo Vanni



Kidnapping - Ein Vater schlägt zurück

剧情: The son of Klausner is kidnapped in a Sardinian village. Klausner, who pays his ex-wife to keep the son, decides not to pay the ransom and to handle the kidnapp...


M.D.C. - Maschera di cera

剧情: Paris, 1900: a couple are horribly murdered by a masked man with a metal claw who rips their hearts out. The sole survivor and witness to the massacre is a youn...


剧情: 二战期间,马利亚诺带着妻子和三个孩子――保罗、朱利亚诺和咪咪到小镇的父亲家躲避战祸,在爷爷家的马厩里,保罗发现原来的两头牛都不见了,只剩下了一头驴和三天才能下一只蛋的老母鸡。保罗在附近的小学上学,但是他发现老师只教给他们三个词:信任、服从和战斗,而班里的孩子都会唱一首歌颂法西斯的歌曲。保罗感到自己和其他的孩子不...


Jack Frusciante è uscito dal gruppo

剧情: Alex, a high-school boy fond of rock and punk music, falls in love with Adelaide, who shares his feelings but doesn\'t want to get too involved because she will...


Segreto di stato

剧情: A bomb blows up in Milan and five people die. After only three hours Ravida, the chief of the Secret Service, knows the name of the killer and that of his chief...


Burattinaio, Il

剧情: An unconventional, off-the-rails cop - the First Action Hero of the title - is transferred back to his old precinct, Miami, to prevent a gang war. He is forced ...


剧情:   隐居多年的名作家关开,因其居所附近发生命案而成为疑犯,不料盘问的警长却是关开的忠实读者,对其作品情有独锺,一些盘问变成了相逢恨晚的知己对话,一些鲜为人知的往事也被一一道出…到底关开有罪否?死者是谁? 影片几乎是双人话剧,波兰斯基扮演的警官非常精明,而德帕迪约似乎相形见拙。影片的构思毕竟单薄,处理冗长而阴暗。日...


Terminator II

剧情: 日本 1991-01-12  1991|意大利 1990-08-22  1990

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