


The Best of Blur

剧情: 英国 2000-11-13  2000

D-dag - Instruktørene

剧情: A documentary on how to direct one film with four different camera crews following four different characters, in one take. This idea could only come from the fo...

D-dag - Niels-Henning

剧情: Niels-Henning has agreed to help Carl with a bank robbery. He is the expert on explosives. But funnily enough he has bad nerves, and they blur up his vision whe...


剧情: This was a great experiment. Seven Danish television channels were on the air at the same time, with four different movies, each made by one of the four directo...

The Name of This Film Is Dogme95

剧情: The Name of this Film is Dogme95 is an irreverent documentary exploring the origins of Dogme95, the most influential movement in world cinema for a generation. ...



剧情: 丹麦 1999-05-03  1999

I Lars von Triers rige

剧情: 丹麦 1999-01-05  1999



剧情: 一场在丹麦地方富绅海吉豪宅中举行的周末家庭聚会,是为了庆祝他六十岁大寿而筹办的。他的儿子与媳妇、女友与男友,还有几位亲友齐聚一堂为他庆生。不过原来该是融洽的热闹的晚宴,却笼罩着诡异的气氛,仿佛海吉两周前自杀身亡的女儿阴魂犹在。岂知早逝女孩的双胞兄弟击杯起身发言,控诉父亲乱伦并谋杀亲生女儿,引爆了席间的争议对立。...

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